
Showing posts from March, 2018


The enthusiasm that greeted the aura of hope and excitement was a stark belief that Nigeria shall in no time breezed into the pool of good governance; as it birthed in 2015, it remained clear as majority of free-minded youth and elderly ones dedicated to the good cause of rebuilding this country. After many years of rot, still attest to the compliance of Mr. President with the tenets of democracy and abating sharp practices. Despite several odds militating against the smooth operations of our anti-corruption agencies, the economic and financial crime commission has recorded success in the combat against corruption with reduction of corrupt practices in the society via strategy of instilling fear in the minds of public officials and their collaborators in the private sector through the whistle blowing policy. The unpalatable situation where previous administrations created avenues for the affluent in the society to continually oppress the middle class or the downtrodden is a clear

OVERCOMING NEGATIVITY - The Burden of “I CAN‘T". (Topnotch Editorial)

OVERCOMING NEGATIVITY - The Burden of “I CAN‘T".        Youths today live in a dispensation where there are no excuse for failure - excuses like: "My parents are poor, I don’t have connections, I attended a polytechnic, I failed jamb" and so on to mention.           The word "NEGATIVITY"  is a pessimistic attitude  that always expects the worst. It is an habitual scepticism and disagreeable tendency to deny , oppose, resist  suggestions and command.       Life will always throw lemonades at you; what you do with it, is what matters; therefore, you are a function and product of your thoughts. NEGATIVITY, INBORN OR ACQUIRED?        Negativity is an illusion and created by a limited mind to protect  and defend itself. It is cannibalistic in nature, the more you feed it, the bigger and stronger it grows. WHAT DOES NEGATIVITY DO?       Negativity as well as self doubt  makes one fail to achieve a targeted dream and make one feel inferior to hi


          EPISODES ONE TO SIX             EPISODE ONE Not from an accident, but I suffered multiple contusions; my skin bruised and my face pale. I laid there in one of Saint Thomas hospital beds, helpless, with short of breath. I couldn't turn my stiff head nor lift a finger; the agony of hell gripped me and the torment of the grave held me loose. Though a lot of blood samples had be taken, coupled with series of tests carried out but the doctors couldn't say exactly what I was suffering from; they neither had a clue nor lead to the solution. With all those happenings, I saw and believed that there are wickedness. There are powers and principalities in the dark places. If I could talk, I could have confessed; if I could lift a finger, I could have pointed to my tormentor. I only could pour out tears whenever he touched my temple with his devilish rod which made me but to groan inward. He was a dark ailment tormenting spirit which looked like a grey monkey. His ap


*NEXT BIG DEAL,* presents another *5 Saturdays Exclusive Skill Aquisition Training Program* where you get to learn skills like: *1.Graphic Design*🏢 *2.Fashion Designing*👔👗 *3.Makeup/Gele tying💄* *4.Catering👩🏼‍🍳* *5.Shoe Making 👞* *6.Bead Making* *7.Eventplanning/Decoration🎁* *8.Laundry& Laundry Products👔* *9.Photography📸* *10.Hairdressing🙇🏻‍♀* *11. Ankara craft📿🛍* *12. Video Animation* To register, visit 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 via Google Chrome, *DONT USE OPERAMINI* as some information would not displayed. *_#3000 for single skill and #5500 for double skiils (manual, training fee and registered certificate inclusive)._* For more information and registration, reach us via: *Official Website:* *Email:* *Facebook:* *Instagram:* *SIGNED✍* *ADMINISTRATOR* Coker-08039337758 *CREATIVE DIR


A new dawn has woken, ready to jot down another experience_ a reason for continuity. The wet and dry seasons keeps breathing, even as the Creator keeps watching, and blessing the seasons with fertility. Topnotch FUNAAB is wishing everyone, 'A happy new month' #Pressclub #Poetryclub #Writersclub