The enthusiasm that greeted the aura of hope and excitement was a stark belief that Nigeria shall in no time breezed into the pool of good governance; as it birthed in 2015, it remained clear as majority of free-minded youth and elderly ones dedicated to the good cause of rebuilding this country. After many years of rot, still attest to the compliance of Mr. President with the tenets of democracy and abating sharp practices.

Despite several odds militating against the smooth operations of our anti-corruption agencies, the economic and financial crime commission has recorded success in the combat against corruption with reduction of corrupt practices in the society via strategy of instilling fear in the minds of public officials and their collaborators in the private sector through the whistle blowing policy.

The unpalatable situation where previous administrations created avenues for the affluent in the society to continually oppress the middle class or the downtrodden is a clear indication that pitched the populace against the last administration, which was the main premise of ending the 16 years inglorious rule of PDP led administration in 2015.

Placing issues immensely into proper perspectives to guide the unsuspicious members of the populace against abberational thoughts and doings; to promote the spirit of nationalism and guide the young people to align with the vision of creating a glowing and rewarding tomorrow in consonance with the very ideals of a strong, robust and virile economy as being laid by our past heroes whose labour shall not be in vain.

We are much attuned with the mere fact that Nigerians are tired of literature reviews and blame trades on the causes of the present travails; the citizens are mostly concerned with a productive economy and a well secured society where fair justice and tranquility shall prevail over oppression and mediocrity.

It is pertinent to cede that instinct is an innate tendency but this feature doesn't place it higher than knowledge especially in the pool of decision making and smooth policy implementation. The assertion that cerebral supremacy is acknowledge is a "Sacrosanct factor"

In contrast to the views of naive Nigerians that expected the new administration to turn around the tides like a stuck rabbit wanting to get out of a hat, the rot inherited was anauseating to a height of nearly collapse economy, due to the realities of inherited caressing of economic activities which birthed the rise in the exchange rate that eventually crashed the country into economic recession.

It goes beyond mere routine in advanced democratic nations considering the critical scrutiny of public office holders or intending aspirant, as it is an ultimate priority for security agencies assigned with the task of in-depth background checks and proper profiling for the purpose of ensuring stability in the polity; Though, the political check may not yield perfect result but the essence has proved worthwhile where integrity truly matters.

Sequel to issuance of security clearance to either get appointed or elected, where security agencies are not compromise by political stooges that play to the political gallery. Security clearance is a vital prerequisite to earn the public trust of public officer. At an instance where public officer is indicted for acts that breach public trust whether now or in retrospect, such public officer is liable to exit office in the interest of public trust. Any erring public officer must drop the baton at the helm in which any addity capable of derailing the cause for good governance is found. Unfortunately, my country Nigeria is far-fetched from this policy.

Ours is not an advanced democracy but we can improve on the gains of the last few years to advance democratic values and norms. Yes, the law could be tardy in reacting to changing attitudes but the line of attitudinal dynamics requires an acceptance of human fallibility irrespective of either the ethical state or conscience of the masses.

The judicial system is folded with prolonged corrupt practices where human dealings are view under the microscope of unending sentiments and parochiality. In a scenario where top public opinions are products of wishful thoughts and vendetta, the pursuance of collective agenda suffers serious setbacks especially when laws are twisted in favouritism due to inequitable discharge in the justice system. Convictions and sanctions are plainly designed to their taste as deterrent measures to keep the populace at bay, but the misapplications of lawful penalties has conversely increased crime and criminalities in our societies with stark realities on the state of insecurity in Nigeria.

From the frame of reference align with the angle of plurality as I consider the lessons on previous presidential elections in Nigeria, it has been noticeably observed that the league of political galacticos, juggernauts and fraudulent looters of national treasury often offer their utmost support for presidential candidates even when not desire, with the sole aim of enjoying political patronage afterwards. It will be consequential to concur that this scenario has rub filthy mud on the integrity of every Nigeria president which in turn has affected successive government, especially in the quest to abate corrupt practices. Conversely, it has open door for undiluted and unsavory remarks  against successive government since 1977.

We are no longer in the dark ages where super-impositions were the order of the then era. There are ample literatures to individually double check our appropriateness and correctness of our actions towards others that usually leads to conflict and we must be well behaved to create an egalitarian society. The struggle for good governance hinges, not until religion leaders who have equally condemned their responsibilities to guide followers towards positive conducts have a rethink into modernity. I see a struggle in continuity if our religion and tribal disparities aren't bury.

The struggle has attained a newer dimension where those personalities that threw Nigeria into perpetual ruin years ago, have raised the cunning game of blackmail, propaganda and diabolic machinations to an unimaginable phase. The preponderance of immoralities in our corridor must be challenge with an objective to accentuate peace in order to shun the scourge of bigotry and chauvinism. The siege mentality across ethnic and religious divides must be properly addressed through re-orientation exercise and reviews of notions that pitch us against others.

As 2019 presidential election reels in, Nigerians craves for leadership that will match words with actions; one full of ideological premises to promote democratic ethos; one full of confidence to steer the affairs of our country beyond 2019; one to tame the skewed face on impunity; one that will infuse fairness in the justice system; one who is highly spirited to support the emergence of strong national interest; one that will combat corruption and create gainful employment; one that will raised the bar of discipline among public servants; and ensures the safety and security of the lives and properties of the citizens.

Nigerians, the onus lies on us with the onerous task of pardoning any grieve and discontentment with the Nigeria government. Our sense of patriotism and oneness is much needed at the moment to ease the success for the struggle of good governance.

Meduoye Adeyinka

©Topnotch Press Club


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