Teniola oyelumade as owoteni.
Babatunde Babawale as odewale.

Akanke, the Great beauty that makes every other beauty vanish into dust, 
Like the son of God turned water into wine
You have turned my lust into love 
Truth is all I have to say, my mouth has no strength to say lies.

From the first time my eyes interacted with you at sight, Akanke I discovered there is something more than just being a hunter
I became a hunter in love
Maybe the difference between me and owoteni, is finance
But you just can't stand the fragrance of my romance

I want to feed my mouth with your Ripe Juicy melons 
Akanke, your ileke idi is where I want to lay my head night and day
Ibadi aran, I want to know you as the holy book says
A moment with you is like a million years in paradise.

If love is blind, then you’re the spectacle
If it’s a song, then you’re the lyrics
If it’s honey, you’re the bee
Pardon my insanity, if I seem to be insane
More reason , my hunter is now a writer scribbling away my sanity
I’ll be healed, only by the touch of your wonders.
Just say the word, "Yes" and I shall be made whole

Akanke mi, Odewale is nothing but a hunter who's biggest catch is a day old rabbit 
He has nothing to offer you but mere words coupled with uncooked meat 
I, owoteni is ready to make you my one and forever 
I want to clothe you with riches and gold, just come and meet my father ...

Owoteni is a boy,
Fathered by the street..
Where men's sight could only view the stars
When they take turns around bottles of star,
Akanke, owoteni might be rich, 
But he is from a lineage of grief
Where men cry like infant.
And women live on shattered dreams.

Akanke, Your love is like a mirage in the mind 
Like an imaginary line drawn on the earthly seas of emotions.
Akanke, please be mine.
It's in your eye that my soul found love..

My love for you is firm and forever like the Iroko tree 
Odewale's love is just like poultry eggs, it can die anytime 
Akanke mi,  I love you till my dying breath 
Come, Let our lips meet each other like the warm and cold water of the Ikogosi spring..

Akanke, I have learnt the art of war, I can defend you as a brave hunter.. Owoteni will flee at the anger of my gun..
Akanke, Give me your hands
Let me show you the garden in your palms
Fit for me, and the you in me
Let me be your psalms of healing
So when you read, my words shall become
medicinal butterflies, running in your stomach..
I shall take you home, and be called a man...

Teniola(OWOTENI) X Young Scholar(ODEWALE)  © 2018
All Rights Reserved

From: Topnotch Writers Organization
IG: @topnotchfunaab
Twitter: @twofunaab


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