FUNAAB's 26th Convocation -- Exhibition Day, today 20th/Nov./2018

Apart from the celebration, presentation of award and degrees to graduates, celebration of academia and so on arranged to juice up this 26th Convocation, a day was set aside for FUNAAB's entrepreneurs to showcase their services and products. These entrepreneurs were honoured by the presence of the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellors and other dignitaries.

The entrepreneurs, not minding the scourging light of the sun came out, displaying things their hands find doing. These, they positioned outside the ceremonial building (the venue for the convocation ceremony).

The Vice Chancellor arrived the venue few minutes before 2pm with the Chancellor (His Eminence, the Obong of Calabar) and other officials.

The interview started with the Ankara craft maker (from the Center of Entrepreneurial Studies, CENTS), then down to Turban and bow tie making (also from CENTS). According to the Vice Chancellor, "CENTS came into place due to National Universities Commission (NUC) directive". After the information by the Vice Chancellor, the Chancellor (His Eminence, the Obong of Calabar) advised the entrepreneurs from CENTS to use their religious community to sell their business.

The Officials changed their direction to the liquid soap maker stand, the Vice Chancellor asked, to know the raw materials used in the making of the liquid soap. The dealer replied he doesn't know but only the manufacturer (the boss). With this the Vice Chancellor advised that he should know so as to avoid injurious substances.

The officials moved to the stand where the Fisheries department was. There, the officials were informed that the fishes are being taken from day old to table -- the processing from fingerlings. One of the officials asked, " Do you treat the water?" one of attendants replied that they avoid making the water too hot because it can cause high mortality rate, adding that they have good ph for the fishes, and If the water is polluted, it is drained and refilled. He said they can use chemicals too.

The officials continued the tour to the Industrial Park Unit where FUNAAB products were displayed, such as: bread, honey, wine, garri, poundo yam, fufu. Dr Sanni said the packaging will be better when the produce have been registered with NAFDAC. The Chancellor asked for the constituents of the Funaab bread, he was replied, "Flour and yeast". The Chancellor made the complain -- "The accurate measurements aren't written on it". The representative of the Permanent secretary asked if they know about cassava flour, the dealer replied positively, saying they have started using it. According to him, "FUNAAB bread is 10% cassava flour".

The tour continued, this time, to the DUFARMS that produces cashew nuts, sugar cane, golden melon, turmeric (processed), grape, pawpaw, pineapple, plantain and other crops. The director addressed on how they make their products and answered questions being raised. The Chancellor advised them to make sure the palm oil is well packaged.

Then to CAVA 2. Mr Bernard is the business expert of the cassava development. He, with his group produces high quality cassava flour, and they make confectioners with 100% high quality cassava flour. According to him, "We train SMEs and make manuals for them".  He added that they also developed liquid starch (which can be sprayed on clothes) which also comes from cassava. (CAVA means Cassava Adding Value for Africa).

Mrs Basirat Abimbola said they deviated from the normal wheat flour to using cassava flour. The Vice Chancellor said wheat flour is an imported goods and he doesn't know why we stopped using our yam and cassava flours. In support of the use of Cassava flour, the Chancellor (His Eminence, the Obong of Calabar) said "Cassava is the best", he disagrees with the rumor that cassava is not good. He added that Cassava is one of the best crops.

The officials moved to IFSERAR, here, there are groundnut varieties, Cameroon white, FUNAABOR 2, SAMSUN 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on. Still under ifserar, at the goat species unit, there are Kalahari and kalewad which is a cross breed between Kalahari and wad.

At the FUNAAB zoo park stand, there are porcupines, giant tortoise, monkey and museums where artefacts are kept, such as: skin of hippopotamus, ostrich egg shells, monkey bone and so on.

To the  Funaab Alpha, where we have improved indigenous chicken which started in 1994 under Mrs Adebambo. It was expounded that some chickens weigh 1.8kg, and some cocks weigh 2.5kg; also, there are Funaab alpha pullets, broilers and growers. They produce about 2000 chicks every week. They could be the naked neck, normal fathered. As before, questions were asked by the officials, and answers were provided.

Written/typed by: Ojeniran Gbemileke (Lifted)
Edited by: Victor P. Bassey (Thesalt)


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