The 26th Convocation Ceremony of FUNAAB, today, 22/Nov./2018 (the presentation of lower degree)

Starting from the school hostels to hostels off campus, the case study on every mortal lips is the juiciness of today's Convocation ceremony, compare to the last one -- everyone, if not exaggerating had a chance or multiple chances to silence the disturbing worms in his or her belle.

In summary, I will unveil the happenings of today's Convocation ceremony starting with the opening speech by the Pro Chancellor.

During his speech, he told a story, and according to him, "A student pleaded with his lecturer (a Professor) who failed him, but the lecturer sent him out of his office. Time passed, this student was in his car driving down a road, he saw this lecturer who failed him, being stranded on the road due to a flat tire sustained by his car. The student approached him and asked what the matter was. To the student's surprise, the lecturer (a professor of Mechanical Engineering) said he had a flat tire and cannot change it. The student said, "You, a professor of Mechanical Engineering; you cannot change your flat tire". The student returned the word he received from the lecturer, those days he pleaded with the lecturer, and left him"

The Pro Chancellor admonished the graduating students not to have their degrees and be like that lecturer who could not change his tire.

He appreciated the students for their well mannered behaviour during the Convocation Lecture which took place the preceding day.

At the end of the Pro Chancellor's speech, the presentation of the degrees to the Chancellor (the Obong of Calabar) for conferment commenced without delay. Students from each college were called to stand and remain standing during the presentation of the degrees.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor Academics, Prof. Morenike Dipeolu and Deputy Vice Chancellor Development, Prof. Lateef Sanni presented the degrees of the graduating students to the Chancellor for conferment.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor Academics presented the degrees of the students graduating from COLAMRUD, BIOSCIENCES, COLERM, COLMAS and COLPLANT to the Chancellor; while the Deputy Vice Chancellor Development presented that of students graduating from COLANIM, COLENG, COLFHEC, COLPHYS and COLVET to the Chancellor.

The presentation of the degrees by the two Deputy Vice Chancellors to the Chancellor were carried out simultaneously.

At the end of this energy draining task carried out by the unrelenting Deputy Vice Chancellors, the best students from different field of discipline and departments were called out to have an encouraging hand shake with the Obong of Calabar himself (the Chancellor); also, prizes were awarded to them. Out of those called, I script down these few:
1. Overall best student, 2016/17 academic set
2. Best student in Fish Farming
3. Best student in Advance Food Preparation
4. Best student in Biotechnology
5. Best 300l student in AEFM
6. Best in Agricultural Extension, and so on.

Next, the Senate Annual Prize was awarded to the best  graduating students from each college.

The First Class graduating students from each department were called out to have the accolade of hand shake with the Chancellor (Obong of Calabar). A total of One Hundred and Thirteen (113) students graduated with First class.

Then, the overall best graduating student (a lady) from the department of Nutrition and Dietetics was invited to the podium to give her speech on behalf of the 2016/17 graduating set.

After her speech, the Vice Chancellor and Chairman of Senate, Prof. Felix Salako was invited to give the Convocation address. He started by rendering appreciation to the Chairman of the Convocation (the Chancellor). According to the Vice Chancellor, "We are going digital in terms of security". He thanked the Commissioner of Police for the instilled security. According to him, "It's the first time Prof. Wole Soyinka and Prof. Toyin Falola will take honorary award in FUNAAB".

Vice Chancellors and representatives from universities around the states were recognized.

To wrapup the Convocation ceremony, the Chancellor was  ushered up to give his closing remark.

After his remark, all host stood and sang the national and school anthem.

After singing the anthems with relief, the paused celebration/party outside the ceremonial building started.

Written/typed by: BASSEY, Victor P (Thesalt)

IG: @topnotchfunaab
Twitter: @twofunaab


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