Teniola oyelumade as owoteni. Babatunde Babawale as odewale. OWOTENI: Akanke, the Great beauty that makes every other beauty vanish into dust, Like the son of God turned water into wine You have turned my lust into love Truth is all I have to say, my mouth has no strength to say lies. ODEWALE: From the first time my eyes interacted with you at sight, Akanke I discovered there is something more than just being a hunter I became a hunter in love Maybe the difference between me and owoteni, is finance But you just can't stand the fragrance of my romance OWOTENI: I want to feed my mouth with your Ripe Juicy melons Akanke, your ileke idi is where I want to lay my head night and day Ibadi aran, I want to know you as the holy book says A moment with you is like a million years in paradise. ODEWALE: If love is blind, then you’re the spectacle If it’s a song, then you’re the lyrics If it’s honey, you’r...